Monday, August 18, 2014

Because mind dumping is necessary.

So. I'm back with another blog. This is my 4th.
Remember this one? About how great my family life was?
And this one, about my reality of motherhood?
My third was private because it was a little...grim, when life became, well, grim.

And here it is, my fourth. My family life became not so great and motherhood actually became so much sweeter, so it was time for a new book. Screw chapters. This girl is all about books.

If you're looking for puppies, rainbows, and gushings about blessings, please stop reading now. I just don't write that way. There will be plenty of positives to read here but also expect the dark sides of life, the ones people are afraid to talk about for fear of judgement or stigma. I write because I need to mind dump. It's my therapy and my outlet. I don't care who is reading.

A combination of good and bad, happy and sad, beautiful and ugly. Tales from behind closed doors of a {newly} single mom with a redhead and a German Shepherd.

Oh, and I wear yoga pants because I do yoga. A lot of yoga.

Welcome. Namaste, bitches.


  1. Oh my gosh this is the perfect....I think it is from namaste beotch to another...we will prevail!!

  2. Love it and please oh please do share privately with me that dark grim one...... You have known me forever and I can be oh so grim... Hahahaha! I am soo glad your writing. Now if I could figure out how to alert myself on posts!
